Starbridge is committed to conducting business in a manner that promotes compliance with laws and regulations, continually monitors for compliance, and creates systems that allow Starbridge to be responsive to identified risk areas and changes in the regulatory environment. Starbridge has a Corporate Compliance Plan, and we are dedicated to managing and operating our services in keeping with the highest of quality, business, ethical and moral principles. Our Board of Directors, Employees, Interns, Volunteers and Contractors contribute to achieving these principles by conducting business activities for the agency with integrity and high ethical standards.

In accordance with State and Federal laws and regulations, our Compliance Plan assists in the prevention and detection of fraud, waste and abuse. Our Corporate Compliance Plan is applicable to all business dealings with service recipients, contractors, vendors, employees, board members, funding agencies and the general public.

Starbridge recognizes that a critical aspect of our compliance program is the establishment of a culture that promotes prevention, detection, and resolution of instances of conduct that do not conform to federal and state requirements, as well as our Code of Conduct.

To promote this culture, Starbridge established a compliance reporting process and a strict non-intimidation and non-retaliation policy to protect all individuals who, in good faith, report problems and concerns, participate in an investigation, evaluation, audit and/or remedial actions.  Any form of intimidation and/or retaliation should be reported to the Corporate Compliance Officer or other reporting mechanism immediately.

If interested in reporting a compliance concern, please contact the Compliance Officer at 585-224-7242 or email at

If interested in reporting compliance concerns anonymously, call the Compliance Hotline by dialing *67, then 585-224-7202.

We want to hear from you!

If you have any comments or suggestions on how to improve our Compliance Plan, please contact the Vice President of Corporate Compliance at 585-224-7242 or email at

You can access copies of these standards/policies and procedures by contacting the Vice President of Corporate Compliance at 585-224-7242 or email at

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