Greater Rochester Special Education Task Force presents: A Tale of Two Attorneys-The Disciplinary Process Edition

A Tale of Two Attorneys: The Disciplinary Process Edition Online Q&A Session with Family AttorneyThe disciplinary process is often confusing. For instance, Superintendent's hearings aren't usually held by the superintendent and Manifestation Determination is not actually a CSE meeting. There are a lot of rules and restrictions that affect the outcome. And yet the stakes are […]

Project Search – Transition to Work

Join us for an informative webinar where we share the impact of Project SEARCH, a groundbreaking nine-month internship initiative designed specifically for in-school youth or young adults aged 18-30 with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Project SEARCH is tailored for those aspiring to secure competitive employment, offering a unique opportunity for immersive learning within business settings. […]

Disability Disclosure

Why tell others about your child's disability or your own disability? Sharing information about a disability and how it affects you or your family member helps to provide an understanding of that person and will help eliminate guesswork and assumptions made by family, friends, community members, or professionals. Disclosure may open doors to better communication […]

Transition from Early Intervention to Preschool Special Education

Join our expert presenters as we guide you through the transition process from Early Intervention to the Committee on Preschool Special Education (CPSE). We will help you to understand the transition process, be an active member of the transition team, and understand the difference between services in EI and CPSE. You will come away from […]

Creating a Life After High School

Together, we can help your child plan for life after high school. We offer a safe and encouraging environment where your student can dream and plan. Learn about opportunities and find answers to the questions that may be on your mind. Two sessions offered with in-person and virtual options available. At the end of this […]

Discipline and Suspension: Understanding the Rights of Students with Disabilities

Did you know there is a difference between general discipline procedures and discipline procedures for students who have disabilities? Children who have disabilities have specific rights under state and federal laws when it comes to suspensions and school discipline. This webinar will provide an overview of these rights and the process used for discipline and […]

Managing the Move: Preparing for Next Year

Moving from one school year to the next can be challenging for children, families and their school team members. This workshop will provide families and school team members with strategies to help promote a seamless transition and lay the groundwork for a positive start to the new school year.

Family Fun Sensory Friendly Roller skating

Come out and join us for Sensory friendly roller-skating. Pizza and drinks provided.Funland Skate Center 3438 Baldwin Rd Wellsville, NY 14895Contact Kari Cayton by email, by (585) 259-4576, or use the form below to register!
