THANK YOU to everyone who has donated masks, cleaning supplies, and other essential items to support our staff and people we serve during this time. And thank you to all our staff for living out our mission each day. #StrongerTogether #StaySafe

FI Team (starting at top left): April Dixon, Megan Storm, Ashley Baghai, Lauren McCauley (Accountant and team partner), Katie Lagnese, and Julia Pavia

Starbridge leaders, directors, and administrative managers (starting from top left): Nikisha Ridgeway, Seneca Hollenbeck, Katie Cannan, Michelle Farrands, Joyce Steel, Colin Garwood, Bethanne Crane, Krystyna Staub, Ursula Nicholson, Pam Merkle, Megan Storm, Ida Jones, Jenny Hutkowski, and Terry O'Hare

Pictured: Krystyna Staub, Joanna Sanguedolce, Jean Sciacchitano, and Zaida McKeever

Residential Staff (starting from top left): Brandi Plummer, Debbie-Lee Eskildsen, Colleen Poormon, Ruta Klimas, Tim Long, and Sholanda White. Not pictured: Josh Segal

Residential Staff: Amanda Weidrick, Sue Potts, and Jasmine Johnson

Residential Staff (L-R): Tyler Walters, Tervell Williams, Jasmine Johnson, Ric Reynolds, Dionne Damco, Scott Discher, Sean Carbonell, and Amanda Wiedrick

Starbridge's Employment Team (starting from top left): Stacey Daly, Ursula Nicholson, Shannon Swetman, Dave Mauro, Jeff Diekvoss, Casey Labuzeta, Michelle Schojan, Lora O'Neill, Kim Schaeffer, and Christa Beach

Employment team member Jeff Diekvoss

Residential Staff (L-R): Colleen Poormon, Matt Dunham, Christina Moyer, Heather Hartford, James Reid, Lucy Palma, Cathy Stowell, and Amanda Wiedrick

Employment team member Peg Brewer

Residential Team member Cindi Dievendorf

Facilities Manager James Pierce

Family and Youth Education Team (starting from top left): Jenny Hutkowski, Laura Arrington, Maritza Cubi, Den'Nise Meeks, Julie Hartfield, Maria Schaertel, Barb Maryniak, Sue Wyatt, Shelby DiRoma, Nora Kiriakidi, Suzi Lomax, and Kara Georgi
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