Brandy L. Young, PhD.
Dr. Young and her husband, Dr. Putuma Gqamana, live in Brighton with their two children, Philani and Khayalam. Dr. Young works at Strong Memorial Hospital in the Department of Toxicology and joined the Starbridge Board in March, 2020.
How did you first hear about Starbridge?
I needed some help with getting speech & language services for my son and my dear friend Robin Wilt said, “Go to Starbridge. It’s a great organization and they will point you in the right direction.” She was correct! Starbridge helped me in so many ways.
Why did you decide to get involved as a board member?
My dear friend Anne Babcock-Stiner told me about the open board position. I had been actively looking for ways to better advocate for my son, who is on the Autism spectrum, and for children like him. Although I have a child with a disability, I don’t claim to know everything. So, I’ve wanted for some time to be a part of educating the community and myself about the needs of persons that are often overlooked. Being a part of the board was divine timing.
Is there anything else you would like to add?
A hallmark of a great community is one that cares for its elderly and disabled. I’m happy to actively take part in these endeavors through working with Starbridge.

Nakia Vargas
Nakia and her husband, Ulises Vargas, live in Rochester with their three children, Lanae, Lainy, and Ulises Jr. Nakia owns an accounting business, Vargas Financial Services.
How did you first hear about Starbridge?
Through COO Nikisha Ridgeway
Why did you decide to get involved as a board member?
I decided to get involved because of their mission and my desire to serve the disabled community. Also, I felt my knowledge of billing and finance would be useful.
What has your role as a board member involved?
I recently joined the Audit Committee, and the Cultivation and Development Committee.
Is there anything you would like to say to someone who is considering contributing to Starbridge in some way?
I would tell them that this organization is not only committed to the individuals that they serve, they are also committed to the community as well.

Hanif Abdul-Wahid
Hanif and his wife, Kimberley, live in Greece. They are the parents of 7 adult children, and have 7 grandchildren and 1 great-grandchild. Hanif is retired after 28 years working for the Monroe County Department of Planning and Development.
How did you first hear about the organization?
Starbridge used to partner with RochesterWorks in providing summer programming for young folks, and that’s how I heard of them.
Why did you decide to get involved as a board member?
My son is developmentally delayed. I thought it would be a good fit. I try to advocate for him and his needs, and want to see the same for people in the community.
What has your role as a board member involved?
I joined the Board last June so I’m just getting started. Right now I am using expertise to help the Nominating Committee in recruiting more board members and using a DEI (Diversity Equity Inclusion) approach.
Is there anything you would like to say to someone who is considering contributing to Starbridge in some way?
I would thank them in advance for considering it. Starbridge is one of the best-known agencies that works to highlight the needs of people with disabilities, and reaches out to make sure that employment and equity are there for people who cannot advocate for themselves. By donating or sitting on the board, you can help to push that mission forward.
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