What is Self-Direction?
Supports for individuals with disabilities come in many forms. Learn about the Traditional model, the Self-Directed model, and how to get started with Self-Direction.
Auto dirección 101: Una Introducción
Hoy vamos a ver las diferencias entre el modelo tradicional de servicios y el modelo de auto dirección.
Elegir una agencia de intermediaria fiscal para asociarse con usted es una decisión importante. Tómese su tiempo para buscar las agencias de FI disponibles en su área y entrevistarlas para ver si son adecuadas para usted y cómo desea administrar su presupuesto.
Setting Sail: Launching Your Self-Directed Budget
Launching your budget is a lot like setting sail. You and your team can map out your journey, choose your crew, find others who are self-directing, and learn about the Three C’s: control, choice, and community.
Self-Direction: Common Questions about Staffing
Having the option to hire and manage your staff can feel a bit overwhelming. You aren’t alone in wondering how to get started. Join us for answers to some of the most common questions.
Myths about Self-Direction
Having the option to hire and manage your staff can feel a bit overwhelming. You aren’t alone in wondering how to get started. Join us for answers to some of the most common questions.
Self-Direction: Individual Stories
“Being able to participate in the community the way I want to is important to me.”
“Self-Direction is a lifesaver for me and my family.”
Hear first-hand the difference that Self-Direction has made for these three individuals.
Contact our FI team at 585-224-7232 or email fisupport@starbridgeinc.org for more information and support for taking your next step toward Self-Direction! Or visit the Self-Direction page of the NYS Office for People with Developmental Disabilities
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