Back to School Webinar

The new school year is underway. Experts from Starbridge will provide insights on topics including: · Addressing needs at school vs. home · Working with your Committee on Special Education (CSE) Team · Learn effective ways to collaborate with your child’s school Register Now!

School Avoidance Issues

When anxiety gets in the way of a child’s ability to learn, families may need support and services through the Committee on Special Education. This webinar will discuss how to collaborate with your child’s school and what supports and services may be available through school for a child who has anxiety. Register Now

Transition from Early Intervention to Preschool Special Education

Are you and your child ready for preschool? Join our expert presenters as we guide you through the transition process from Early Intervention to the Committee on Preschool Special Education (CPSE). We will help you to understand the transition process, be an active member of the transition team, and understand the difference between services in […]

Family Empowerment Series

The Family Empowerment Series is a multi-session training series offered each year by Starbridge . This series prepares families and caregivers to better advocate within the educational system for their children, and to be resources for other families of students who have disabilities in their communities. This series is open to all families of children […]


Attendance Matters: Sharing Parent, School, Provider and System perspectives

SESSION 1- NOVEMBER 1: 4PM-5:30PM “Reluctance, Avoidance, Refusal: When Our Kids Don’t Go to School" Dr Jim Wallace, Child & Adolescent Pyschologist and Lynn Carragher, Director of Inclusive Education, Brockport CSD When children miss days of school they quickly fall behind academically, lose important social connections with peers and teachers and develop behaviors that make […]

Committee on Special Education – An Overview The Committee on Special Education

(CSE) is responsible for developing a child’s Individualized Education Program (IEP) through a process which involves the student and family. This workshop will explain the purpose of the CSE, the required members, and the family’s role on the committee. Participants will learn strategies for effective advocacy with the CSE. Trainers: Sue Wyatt and Christa


Do you wonder what services may be available for your child? Accessing and qualifying for OPWDD (Office for People with Developmental Disabilities) services can be frustrating and overwhelming. This webinar will provide an overview of various services available for children and youth to support them around their developmental disability. Presenters will also share eligibility requirements. […]

Bullying Interventions: An Attorney’s Perspective

Bullying is an increasingly serious problem in schools. Families, teachers, and children need help and support in knowing how to respond. Jane Gabriele of Legal Assistance of Western NY will discuss the difference between bullying, discrimination, intimidation and harassment. You will learn more about the Dignity for All Students Act and what a school district’s […]

Transition from Preschool to School-Age Services

For any parent with a child going off to kindergarten, it is a time of excitement and anxiety. For families of children who have disabilities, it can also be confusing and nerve-wracking. Participants will learn the differences between the Committee on Preschool Special Education (CPSE) and the Committee on Special Education (CSE) and learn strategies […]

Individualized Education Programs: Identifying Effective Goals

When developing a student's IEP for the annual review, it is important for team members to work in collaboration to develop the IEP goals. This workshop will review guidelines used for identifying and writing effective goals that make sense for the student.

Family Empowerment Series

The Family Empowerment Series is multi-session workshop part of Starbridge’s Signature Series offered each year. This series of workshops prepares families and caregivers to better advocate within the educational system for their children and to be a resource for other families of students who have disabilities in their communities. Series Schedule: All series will take […]


RTI, 504 and IEP: What’s It All About?

When a child qualifies for special education services, federal law requires the development of a document called an Individualized Education Program (IEP). Some students may not qualify for an IEP, but may receive accommodations and modifications from a 504 Plan or may receive support through Response to Intervention (RTI). This workshop will explain the process […]