What is Self-Direction?

What is Self-Direction? Supports for individuals with disabilities come in many forms. Learn about the Traditional model, the Self-Directed model, and how to get started with Self-Direction. Auto dirección 101: […]

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2E: Helping Students Thrive

What is twice exceptionality? How do educators know or figure out if their student is twice exceptional? What can schools do to help their twice exceptional students succeed? Twice exceptionality […]

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Continuum of Services

Special education is a service, not a place. A variety of placements and related services are available to provide an appropriate education for students who have disabilities. Watch to learn […]

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Preparing for Annual Review

Get ready for this important meeting An annual review is a Committee on Special Education (CSE) meeting to plan for the next school year. This webinar will help families and […]

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Anxiety and School Avoidance

Is getting your child to school a struggle? Anxiety is a natural part of childhood, but when anxiety impedes on your child’s ability to learn, you may need support and […]

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Understanding Tourette Syndrome

Tourette Syndrome is a neurodevelopmental disorder that becomes evident in early childhood or adolescence. 1 out of every 100 children has Tourette Syndrome or another Tic Disorder. It is common […]

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Bullying – Addressing It at School

Bullying is an increasingly serious problem in schools. Families, teachers, and children need help and support in knowing how to respond. Join us for a webinar to learn definitions of […]

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2E: Helping Children Thrive

What is twice exceptionality? How do families know or figure out if their child is twice exceptional? What can families do to help their twice exceptional child? Twice exceptionality (2e) […]

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